March 18, 2004

Today's Aspects 3-18-2004

(all times in UTC)

Sun 28 Pisces
Moon 21 Aquarius (00:00)
Moon 28 Aquarius (12:00)
Moon 0 Pisces 0 (15:26)
Moon 5 Pisces (23:59)
Mercury 11 Aries
Venus 13 Taurus
Mars 28 Taurus
Jupiter 12 Virgo (R)
Saturn 6 Cancer
Uranus 4 Pisces
Neptune 14 Aquarius
Pluto 22 Sagittarius

Moon sextile Pluto (partile 01:46) (you feel like it's all coming unglued)
Saturn trine Uranus applying (old habits are breaking up)
Mercury square Neptune applying (and your thoughts are getting fuzzy)
Sun square Pluto separating (and that's how you like it)
Sun sextile Mars (partile 09:47) (so take the chance to act)
Venus trine Jupiter separating (and draw into your circle what you really want)
Venus square Neptune applying (even from your wildest fantasies)
Moon square Mars (partile 12:15) (before you feel you're acting recklessly)
Moon enters Pisces (15:26) (and then you start feeling lost)
Moon conjunct Uranus (partile 22:56) (and shattered)

Posted by pvcneop at March 18, 2004 07:34 AM